
Cherish The Love Of God 75



Oh God choose me, use me
Just like you chose the Virgin Mary
I wanna be blessed among the women
Blessed among the men too
Oh God choose me, use me
I want angels to visit me
Please use me Lord, use me
Oh oh oh oh
Jesus choose me oh oh oh oh
Jesus choose me

I heard about what happened to blessed the Virgin Mary
The angel of the Lord came unto her and he said
Hail, thou art highly favored
Blessed art thou among women
And the Lord is with thee
Thou art highly favored

Oh God choose me, use me
Just like you chose the Virgin Mary
I wanna be blessed among the women
Blessed among the men too
Oh God choose me, use me
I want angels to visit me
Please use me Lord, use me
Oh oh oh oh
Jesus choose me oh oh oh oh
Jesus choose me

When Mary saw the angel
She was troubled at his saying
What manner of salutation this should be
The angel said: Fear not
For thou hast found favor with God
Thou shalt conceive and bear a son
Call his name JESUS

Oh God choose me, use me
Just like you chose the Virgin Mary
I wanna be blessed among the women
Blessed among the men too
Oh God choose me, use me
I want angels to visit me
Please use me Lord, use me
Oh oh oh oh
Jesus choose me oh oh oh oh
Jesus choose me

He shall be great
He shall be called the Son of the Highest
The Lord God shall give unto him
The throne of his father David
And he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever
And of his kingdom there shall be no end

Oh God choose me, use me
Just like you chose the Virgin Mary
I wanna be blessed among the women
Blessed among the men too
Oh God choose me, use me
I want angels to visit me
Please use me Lord, use me
Oh oh oh oh
Jesus choose me oh oh oh oh
Jesus choose me

Mary said how shall this be
Seeing I know not a man?
And the angel of the Lord answered and said
The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee
The power of the Highest shall overshadow thee:
That holy thing which shall be born of thee
Shall be called the Son of God

Oh God choose me, use me
Just like you chose the Virgin Mary
I wanna be blessed among the women
Blessed among the men too
Oh God choose me, use me
I want angels to visit me
Please use me Lord use me
Oh oh oh oh
Jesus choose me oh oh oh oh
Jesus choose me


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