
Good Friday 229

He was wounded for our transgressions,

He was bruised for our iniquities:

The chastisement of our peace was upon him;

And with his stripes we are healed.


It was a normal Friday

That became a horrible Friday

A terrible day of horrors

A day of suffering and shame

But through the power of God

It became a Good Friday

The best ever Friday

The day my sins were washed away


All we like sheep have gone astray

We have turned every one to his own way;

The Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.

That is how Jesus saved our souls


It was a normal Friday

That became a horrible Friday

A terrible day of horrors

A day of suffering and shame

But through the power of God

It became a Good Friday

The best ever friday

The day my sins were washed away


These wounds were meant to purchase me,"

These drops of blood were shed to pay for my life

Now, I belong to you Jesus

Bought with a price.

Jesus, whose I am and whom I serve


It was a normal Friday

That became a horrible Friday

A terrible day of horrors

A day of suffering and shame

But through the power of God

It became a Good Friday

The best ever Friday

The day my sins were washed away


Oh Jesus

Thank you for your great love

You suffered so much for me

I can't help loving you

You've won my love

You've won my heart

My Jesus


It was a normal Friday

That became a horrible Friday

A terrible day of horrors

A day of suffering and shame

But through the power of God

It became a Good Friday

The best ever Friday

The day my sins were washed away


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