
Strong Christian 91


I wanna be a strong Christian

Who loves the Lord with all her heart oh yeah

I wanna be a strong Christian

Serving the Lord with all my heart oh yeah



I'm rising up in the spirit

I'm getting stronger everyday

I'm focussing on the inner man

Pressing toward the mark

Of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus

Not conformed to this world

But being transformed by the word of God


I'm rising up in the spirit

I'm getting stronger everyday

I'm focussing on the inner man



Don't you wanna be a strong Christian

Who loves the Lord with all her heart oh yeah

I wanna be a strong Christian

Serving the Lord with all my heart oh yeah



Hey brother you are compassed about

By a great cloud of witnesses

Lay aside every sin and weight that easily beset you

And run the race that is set before you

So rise up in the spirit

Get stronger everyday

Focussing on the inner man





Hey my brother look unto Jesus

The author and fininisher of your faith

Who for the joy set before him

Endured the cross despising the shame

And today is set down at the right hand of God

So rise up in the spirit

Get stronger everyday

Focussing on the inner man




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