
Anoint Me (without BGVs)

Fill Me
Anoint Me
Spirit Flow
Spirit Flow
Spirit Move

Every valley shall be exalted
Every mountain shall be made low
The crooked shall be made straight
Rough places plain
The glory of the Lord
Shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it
For the mouth of the lord has spoken it

Fill Me
Anoint Me
Spirit Flow
Spirit Flow
Spirit Move

Oh Zion that brings good tidings
Get thee up into thy high mountain
Oh Jerusalem that brings good news
Lift thy voice with strength
Be not afraid behold your God will come
With strength
His strong arm shall rule for him

Fill Me
Anoint Me
Spirit Flow
Spirit Flow
Spirit Move

Behold my servant whom I uphold
In whom my soul delighteth
I have put the spirit on him
He shall come and judge the nations oh yeah ah!

Therefore the redeemed of the Lord
Shall return with singing to zion
Everlasting joy shall be on their head
And they shall obtain gladness and joy and
All sorrow shall flee
Away for I am he who comforts you

Fill Me ( ah! )
Anoint Me
Spirit Flow
Spirit Flow
Spirit Move

(Fill Me)
Fill me with your Holy Spirit

(Anoint Me)
Anoint me Lord

(Spirit Flow)
(Spirit Flow)
Spirit flow all over me

(Spirit Move)
yeah hmm ohhh woah

(Fill Me)
Behold my servant whom I uphold

(Anoint Me)
I will put my spirit upon him

(Spirit Flow)
Spirit flow like a river
Flow all over me

(Spirit Move)
Spirit move,
Spirit move
Spirit move

(Fill Me)
Fill me with your Power Lord

(Anoint Me)
Anoint me to heal the sick
To raise the dead

(Spirit Flow)
spirit flow all over me
Spirit Flow
Spirit Flow
Spirit Flow

(Spirit Flow)
hmm yeahhhh

(Spirit Move)
Anoint me lord
anoint me lord

( fill me )
I cannot do without your anointing ahhhhyeahhh

(anoint me )
Anoint me with your power lord
How you anointed Jesus of nazareth

(spirit flow)
Spirit flow 3x
Flow like a river
Flow all over me

(Spirit move )
move move move move move move move move

(fill me )
Fill me Lord
Anoint me me Lord
Lord fill me

(Anoint me)
Anoint me


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