I See You Jesus 206

Ohh, ohh, ohh, yeah

Mmm ohh yeah

Alright now


I see you Jesus 

You are so beautiful 

You are shining so full of glory

I see you clearly

Through this vision I see you yeah


I see you Jesus 

You are so beautiful 

You are so glorious

I love you my Jesus

You’re just everything to me


Now I turned to see the voice

That was speaking with me ohh

I saw seven golden candlesticks

And in the midst of the candlesticks

Was one like unto the son of man ohh


I see you Jesus 

You are so beautiful 

You are so glorious

I love you my Jesus

You’re just everything to me


He was clothed with a garment

Down to his foot

And girt with a golden sash around his chest 

His head what white like wool

His hairs were white as snow


I see you Jesus 

You are so beautiful 

You are so glorious

I love you my Jesus

You’re just everything to me


And his eyes ohh

They were as a flame of fire

And his feet, and his feet 

Like unto fine brass

As if they burned in a furnace 

And his voice was as the sound of many waters yeah

I see you Jesus 


He had in his right hand seven stars

And out of his mouth a sharp two-edged sword mmm

And his countenance ooo

It was as the sun

As the sun, shining in its strength


I see you Jesus 

You are so beautiful 

You are so glorious

I love you my Jesus

You’re just every, every

You are everything 

You are everything 

To me

Ohhh ohh ohh ohh 

I see you Jesus ohh

In all of you power

All of your glory

All of your beauty ohh

I see you Jesus ohh

I see you Jesus 


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