
Propose To Me 55


I've got a brother in the pipeline

He has been calling me

He has been praying to God about me

He's a really nice guy, you see

He has been praying and asking

Oh God is she the one

I have been waiting and waiting for him

To make his decision about me

I'm hoping it's me. Will he choose me



Oh Brother propose to me

Oh Brother in love, please propose to me

I know that you love me so dearly

And I love you too and I know that

You wanna marry me



How long more for you brother

To make up your mind about me

How much more time do you need

I can see it written all over your face

I see it in your eyes and I

I see the twinkle in your eyes

You are so gentle when you are with me

You are so caring, I can't help

Noticing the way you look at me





Please speak the word my brother

Been waiting for you to propose

I know what you are thinking cos you've been

Showing the signs for so long

You've been sending all these letters

Been visiting me for so very long

Been sending notes forever

I have been reading your texts and all your words

Over and over and over again





Oh Lord please touch my brother

Please let him love me and choose me

He's the kind of brother I'd love to be with

For the rest of my life, you see

Jesus please hear my prayer

My humble prayer oh lord

Please let goodness and mercy follow me

Let good things happen to me

Let him say; I love you, I wanna marry you








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