
The Sower 25


Now the parable is this
The seed is the word of God woo uh oh yeah
The sower is the preacher and the teacher
He sows the word of God in your life everyday

When you come to the house of God
Get ready to receive the word of God oh uh oh uh yeah
Open up your heart and take it all in
Decide to be a fertile ground receiving the word
That's the only way you will be truly blessed

I don't wanna be a wayside ground
I don't wanna be a thorny ground
I don't wanna be a stony ground
Lord make me a good ground, a very good ground. 2X

One day I sat by a girl who had a bad attitude
Nothing that the preacher said touched her heart that day
On her phone throughout the preaching of the word
Chatting with her friends instead of listening to the word
She didn't understand a single thing that day
Then I knew the seed had fallen on the way side

I don't wanna be a wayside ground
I don't wanna be a thorny ground
I don't wanna be a stony ground
Lord make me a good ground, a very good ground 2X

I sat at the back of church one Sunday morning
By a man who had a stony heart yeah
He looked uninterested with the word of God
He would not smile, he would not laugh
He would not even say amen
He showed no sign of being moved by the word
Then I knew I was sitting by a stony ground

I don't wanna be a wayside ground
I don't wanna be a thorny ground
I don't wanna be a stony ground
Lord make me a good ground, a very good ground 2X

One day I sat behind a three young men in the church
They had something to say about everything
They said preacher was not anointed
They said he didn't know the word
His message did not make sense
They criticized him throughout his sermon
Then I knew the seed had fallen among the thorns

I don't wanna be a wayside ground
I don't wanna be a thorny ground
I don't wanna be a stony ground
Lord make me a good ground, a very good ground 2X

Jesus is the sower of the seed
Jesus comes to you each and every day
What kind heart do you have to receive the word of God
Is your heart a stony ground, a thorny ground or a way side ground
I know you will be a good ground
And bring forth fruit a hundred fold

I don't wanna be a wayside ground
I don't wanna be a thorny ground
I don't wanna be a stony ground
Lord make me a good ground, a very good ground 2X


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