
Tithes And Offerings 88


All the offering and tithe it is the Lord's
It does not belong to you, it is the Lord's
You must pay your tithe, you must believe it is the Lord's
For without tithing there'll be no prosperity
When you pay your tithe and offering in the church
So that there is meat in the house of God
You can prove me now herewith says the Lord your God
When my house is filled I'll bless you and you will be blessed

Give all your offerings, pay all your tithes
Oh give it, please give it
You will receive a harvest of many blessings
So give it, please give it
I will open you the windows of heaven
Pour you out a blessing so much you cannot receive
So give all your offerings, pay all your tithes
Oh give it

Honor the Lord thy God with your substance
Honor the Lord thy God with your first fruits
So shall thy barns be filled with increase from the lord
Your bank account will burst with the blessings of the Lord
Whosoever sows a seed sparingly
He shall also reap a harvest sparingly
He that soweth bountifully reaps bountifully
God he loves a cheerful giver, yes he really does

Give all your offerings, pay all your tithes
Oh give it, please give it
You will receive a harvest of many blessings
So give it, please give it
I will open you the windows of heaven
Pour you out a blessing so much you cannot receive
So give all your offerings, pay all your tithes
Oh give it




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