Why Did I Come Into The World 82


Why did I come into this world

To live on earth just like an ordinary man

Why did I die upon the tree

What was I thinking as I went to Calvary


And on the day, the day I died

Upon the sacred rugged cross of Calvary

I descended down into the depths of hell

I saw the scary gates of hell so dark and tall


With devils here and demons there

The fallen angels and the host of wickedness

Had gathered down to mock at me

It seemed that they had won the final victory


I just came to show I love you

I just came to show how much I care

I just came to save you from your sins

Coz I love you with the greatest love of all


And Lucifer the fallen prince

The prince of darkness he came riding on his horse

He looked at me, gleaming wicked eyes

He boasted that he’d won a mighty victory


He told the crowds, the host of hell

He said: ‘I killed the son of God, the son of man’

I put an end to his ministry

To all those preaching, teaching, healing miracles


But in three days, and then three nights

The mighty power of the Holy Ghost came down

And Jesus rose up from the dead

There was confusion and commotion down in hell



I just came to show I love you

I just came to show how much I care

I just came to save you from your sins

Coz I love you with the greatest love of all


The demons screamed in disbelief

Behold, the Son of God is walking free in hell

Satan bowed to the king of kings

And handed over all the keys of death and hell


Jesus took the keys of death and hell

He opened prison doors, he set the captives free

He delivered us. He set us free

Today he has all power, all authority



I just came to show I love you

I just came to show how much I care

I just came to save you from your sins

Coz I love you with the greatest love of all


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