
Wisdom Is The Principal Thing 96


Happy, happy is the man that finds wisdom,

And the man that getteth understanding

Wisdom, more precious than rubies

Length of days is in her right hand

And in her left hand riches and honour

And all her paths are peace

Her ways are ways of pleasantness

All the things thou canst desire

Are not to be compared to her


Wisdom is the principal thing

Wisdom is the principal thing

Wisdom is the principal thing

So get wisdom


Exalt wisdom and she shall promote thee

She shall bring thee to honour when you embrace her

She shall give to thine head an ornament of grace

A crown of glory shall be yours

Receive my instruction rather than silver

Receive knowledge rather than gold

All the things thou canst desire

Are not to be compared to her


Wisdom is the principal thing

Wisdom is the principal thing

Wisdom is the principal thing

So get wisdom


By me kings reign, princes decree justice

And by wisdom a house is built

By wisdom you shall deliver the city

From an impossible situation

A wise man will hear and increase learning

A man of knowledge increases strength

All the things thou canst desire

Are not to be compared to her


Wisdom is the principal thing

Wisdom is the principal thing

Wisdom is the principal thing

So get wisdom


My son, attend to my words

Incline thine ear unto my sayings

Let them not depart from thine eyes

Keep them in the midst of thine heart.

For they are life unto those that find them

And health to all their flesh


Wisdom is the principal thing

Wisdom is the principal thing

Wisdom is the principal thing

So get wisdom





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